Nov 25

From the never-to-be-covered-by-The-New-York-Times department….

It has always stuck me as highly plausible that scientific researchers writing grant requests needed to convey some sense of urgency in order to motivate their potential funding sources into action.   Big need, big problem, big money.   Likewise, at the local newsstand, which cover story would more likely catch your attention:  “Earth’s Changing Climate: Same As It Ever Was…”  or, “Warming Climate To Radically Alter Life On Earth!!!”?

Hysteria sells.

Amidst perhaps the grandest, most globally-coordinated legislative campaign ever devised, that to impose “climate change” legislation, we have what should be considered an equally massive bombshell:  apparent proof that the research of dissenting scientists was systematically withheld from public consumption, lest it ruin the funding party for everyone else.    Do yourself a favor and listen to this exchange between author and radio host Laura Ingraham and climatologist Patrick Michaels from November 23rd, and then do the right thing and urge your friends to do the same.   Note that in the leaked e-mail exchanges, Michaels is singled out for some of the harshest criticism (in his role as party-crasher) by his fellow researchers.

On a far more serious note, all of this would would border on the comical if the consequences of blindly following such biased research were not so damaging to the most vulnerable people in the world.   Because at the end of the day, if the man-made global warming proponents have any concern for their fellow man, they will realize that man’s ability to adapt to an ever-changing climate is first and foremost an economic problem. It is really one of poverty, as it is the poorest people who are most unable to adapt.    Therefore, the solution is to create more of the opposite of poverty, which is wealth.   So instead of pouring our passion and funding into global warming, we should instead be fighting for global liberty.

Liberty and globalization, defined in this context as freedom in all forms, free trade, property rights and the rule of law, have done more to lift people out of poverty and better positioned them to deal with an ever changing world than any headline-grabbing, heartstring-tugging, Polar Bear-hugging, income-redistributing, Save The Planet campaign ever has, or ever will.

In this regard, Copenhagen Consensus Director Bjorn Lomborg has recently published two highly poignant commentaries in the Wall Street Journal, “Global Warming as Seen From Bangladesh” and “The View from Vanuatu on Climate Change“.   They should be required reading for anyone who feels “global warming” is the number one issue of modern times, or even amongst the top ten.

27 Responses to “Global Warming: Show Me The Money”

  1. T says:

    Wow, this article is terrible. You have one source saying global warming does not exist by a website who claims to be non partisan but pretty much believes in all Republican ideals. Note, the article is about 5 paragraphs (short ones at that) long. Don’t you think a scandal such as this would be published in national headlines and investigated by someone? Also, global warming and climate change aren’t the same thing. You’re very ignorant for implying that. You were right, though, by saying climate change is an economic issue. I could go on and on about how funding could help the country if it weren’t so politically corrupt, but I will stop here. Good day sir.

  2. Это должно быть в цитатнике

  3. Благодарю!!!У Вас часто появляются очень интересные посты! Очень поднимаете мое настроение.

  4. “Пост хорош”

  5. Да уж. В этом блоге хоть комментаторы нормальные.. А то пишут обычно в комментарии ерунду всякую.

  6. Jdu-tut says:

    Ценные рекомендации, беру на заметку

  7. “Добавил в закладки”

  8. Банник says:

    очень занимательно было почитать

  9. Бегг says:

    “соглашусь с автором”

  10. Popizdavali says:

    Побольше бы таких тем!

  11. Комик says:

    Благодарю ! Статья интересная.

  12. Dialearn Big says:

    “Очень хороший”

  13. Это должно быть в цитатнике

  14. очень занимательно было почитать

  15. PSwarez says:

    И мне понравилось…

  16. BestGamezz says:

    Огромное вам человеческое спасибо, очень актуальная заметка.

  17. Hour says:

    Неплохой пост, очень интересно было почитать

  18. Рыба says:

    Неплохой пост, очень интересно было посмотреть

  19. judges says:

    мда… это тебе не рио дежанейро… круто…кстати когда постишь инфу пиши первоисточник

  20. mobi says:

    Сенкью, полезная инфа! 😉

  21. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  22. Administrator says:

    See also, another commentary with a similar theme: “The Economics Of Climate Change”, Wall Street Journal, Nov 30, 2009

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