May 22
Amidst all the noise from unions, Progressives and The Left about “workers’ rights”, a political-judo opportunity has been laid bare: What about the right to NOT join a union? Those seeking to get to the heart of the matter in one single question should don their jūdōgi and practice this one single move:
“Do you support workers’ rights, specifically, the right to not join a union?”
If I were a union boss, I’d have no counter-move to that. What could I say?
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May 11
Can addressing the educational needs of the soul be achieved in a society that insists on perpetually misinterpreting our Constitution’s “Establishment Clause”, such that “separation of church and state” is the rule of the day? Is a strict separation of church and state even healthy to the respective parts?
These were the questions I posed to Joseph Pagnozzi, co-founder and President of The Montfort Academy, at the end of the first installment of my interview with him several weeks ago.
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